Margaret Tequila & Lime

Margaret Tequila & Lime Cocktail

From the Brand: This Tequila & Lime Ultra Premium Agave Spirit Cocktail from Margaret Cocktails is made with Tequila Blanco, cold-pressed lime juice, and agave nectar. With our clean-label approach, we want to provide the best experience for you to enjoy fresh agave spirits cocktails wherever you go. SHAKE. POUR. ENJOY.

Who is Margaret? Ready-to-Serve agave-based specialty cocktails made with all natural cold-pressed juices and the most advanced food technology, helping preserve the fruit to provide the freshest cocktail imaginable. Refreshing, preservative-free, and with unparalleled flavors. 

What Our Testing Panel Said About This Tequila & Lime Bottled Cocktail

"An absolutely AMAZING Tequila, lime, and even salty aroma drew me in from the moment I twisted the cap. So many Tequila RTD cocktails either use too little or an inferior quality spirit which leads to a muted fragrance and flavor, but not this one from Margaret. If you're going to enjoy a Tequila cocktail then you should be able to smell and taste its earthy essence and this drink delivered both in spades. Did I mention that this cocktail is AMAZING?"

"Not called a margarita (though it smells like the very best top shelf rendition of one) and drinks so much more smoothly. Think of a lite marg but with incredibly rich and complex flavors. The Tequila and lime steal the show while the agave nectar provides the perfect level of sweetness without being overly sweet like Triple Sec can cause in many pre-mixed margaritas. Outstanding!"

"I can't remember the last time I enjoyed an RTD Tequila cocktail so much. This one bursts with flavor, but still has a mellow mood to it even though it's a hearty 12.5% ABV. The packaging appears a bit utilitarian at first glance but is perfect for portability, and the liquid inside is pure gold (actually, platinum in this case). The folks at Margaret did a really nice job here."

"Remarkable balance of fragrance and flavor rarely found in a premade bottled margarita. A simply masterful combination of sweet, salty, and savory executed to perfection. The cold-pressed lime juice is immediately noticeable and delivers a lime flavor unlike any other. A must try cocktail for any Tequila lover."

Where To Buy Margaret Ultra Premium Tequila Cocktails

RTD Magazine Platinum Medal Winner
Want to learn more about this platinum medal winning Tequila cocktail? For more information about Margaret and where to find their ultra premium agave spirits bottled cocktails, please visit their website at
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