FROM THE BRAND: META Hard Elixir is beyond. It’s what’s next now…beyond generic commoditized flavors, beyond just acceptable taste, beyond nonexistent experience. Next gen flavors are user generated. META is a unique immersive brand shaped by its users and influenced by the zeitgeist. META is self-referential. Think Metaphor Metamorphosis Metacognition Metanoia Metaphysical. META transcends. META Hard Elixir flavors are the emotions and feeling of Love, Vibe, Chill, Bliss, Rave, Rage, Nphaze and Flow. 99 calories. No sugar. No carbs. No gluten.
What Our Testing Panel Said About META Hard Elixir
META's flavor combinations — created using all natural flavors, phytonutrients, botanicals, herbs, and citrus — seem familiar at first but then transform in to something completely different. The aromas and flavors arouse feelings of nostalgia, but then take you on a journey to new and unexpected places. Given the complexity and range of flavors found in each version of META, it was challenging to find the right words to effectively communicate exactly what we were tasting. The best overall description of META we can give is that it's like an elevated hard seltzer experience, but goes beyond hard seltzer. It's lighter on the bubbles and bigger on the flavors. So in this most unique of instances, instead of trying to tell our readers what attributes to expect based on what they may be accustomed to, we've decided to rate all of the META Hard Elixir flavors in one place, using our medal ratings for reference and the brand's product descriptions for guidance. Cheers!
META Hard Elixir — Bliss

META Hard Elixir — Chill
Relax let it all go…Chill is time at beach, time with friends…time alone Whatever it is, it’s your time. Chill brings you to a soft ocean breeze…fresh melon, pineapple, lychee and ginger…everything in harmony, you are Chill.
META Hard Elixir — Flow
Flow is the rhythms the rhymes…the continuous stream of linked together synced in time.. that never stop...a nod to hip-hop...Two turntables...a cross fader...a mic in hand MC Playa…the break the beat the BPM…the riff the sample…loop the hook again...Scratchin scribblin slipmat deck...bassline intro sound effex…spinback sitback kick the show...drop the needle…drink a Flow. Flow is the in your face grape purple drink.
META Hard Elixir — Love
Plato once said “The madness of love is the greatest of heaven’s blessings.” The first kiss, the passion…the gravity of it all. Love transports you to that moment in time. Love is dark cherry, watermelon, fresh mixed berry. You’ll recognize the flavor immediately…the flavor of Love.
META Hard Elixir — NPhaze
To be “in phase” is to be in synch and reach equilibrium. A spectrum of likes and dislikes, passions, ethe, realities and fantasies. NPhaze captures the essence of finding one or multiples who share that path and existence canvasing relationships. With Nphaze you’re locked into the experiential wave. Nphaze is the citrus yin and yang of natural lemon and lime with a surprising kiss of green apple. Crisp, smooth, extremely’re now NPhaze.
META Hard Elixir — Rage
If RTDs had haircuts, Rage would have a Mohawk Mullet. Rage is bold, unique, a blast. Rage is the one at the club who brings the energy and is always VIP status. Rage is edgy w/bold flavors, you’ll never have a boring time with Rage. Rage’s motto is “No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep.” Rage is cinnamon whiskey, clove, natural orange. You are Raging!
META Hard Elixir — Rave
Rave floats with boundless energy, goes all night and shuts the place down. Be prepared to see the sun rise when you Rave. Rave is cherry, Natural blackberry, Raspberry w/a hint of orange liquor...think sports drink that keeps you hydrated with a smooth kick. BEAT BEAT BEAT BEAT...ENJOY THE RAVE!
META Hard Elixir — Vibe
Vibe is that feeling of relaxation and knowing you’re in legit company. You’re in the groove…all is good, your mind is in an altered state. Vibe is reminiscent of spiced rum, French vanilla, cinnamon, and clove. Embrace the Vibe.